Flip Your Lid S2 Ep 16 - NakedPastor: Authentic Love Covers Everything

NakedPastor: Authentic Love Covers Everything

Larissa and I had the absolute honor of interviewing David Hayward, who you probably know as the NakedPastor! David is known for his expansive artwork that depicts the unfortunate experience of many people in parts of the Christian world, and he does it in a way that is incredibly healing. David lives in Canada with his wife and grown children. His experience in the church and in the world as the NakedPastor is intriguing and inspiring. And a side note, David will be here in Charlotte, NC April 2023 to speak on our icuTalks stage!

What we discuss:

  • The dream that flipped David's lid

  • The story behind The NakedPastor

  • Being our most authentic selves

  • David's theological journey

  • Diverse communities make our lives fuller

  • Feeling safe in connection

  • Potluck community

  • Healing happens when we are safely seen and heard

  • Being heard without being hurt

    David's Bio:

    David Hayward was ordained to the ministry in 1987 and left in 2010. He's been running the NakedPastor blog since 2005, where he posts his provocative cartoons and articles. He launched an online community called The Lasting Supper, a place for people to change without being judged or instructed, and where they can learn to become spiritually independent. He's been cartooning, making art, writing, speaking, and coaching around his core passions: personal authentic freedom, the power to change our own lives, and the creative spirit to make our world a better place. He and his wife live in eastern Canada. They have three adult children.

    Connect with David Hayward:

    IG and FB @nakedpastor and on his website: NakedPastor.com

    For David's new book, Flip It Like This: NakedPastor.com/FlipItLikeThis


While you’re here, why not check out Kim’s book?


But Your Mother Loves You is the witty and candid tale of how a renowned psychotherapist moved from “not good enough” to “the right person” despite childhood neglect and a toxic relationship with her mother.

Everyone knows at least one person who demonstrates toxic love, someone who consistently jabs a straw in others and sucks the life right out of them. Without an in-depth understanding of how to navigate these relationships, most people continue to emotionally regress and remain paralyzed in familiar, pain-soaked patterns. But Your Mother Loves You helps readers overcome this cycle of toxicity.

Kim Honeycutt shares the real-life experience of how a shame-based, self-destructive little girl grew up to be a recovered alcoholic, entered the world of psychology as a professional, and created her own strategies to address and conquer toxicity.

This story, both witty and practical, is told through the lens of personal life experience and expert psychological strategies combined with Godly intervention. Readers learn how to either walk away from or walk with a toxic loved one without losing themselves. Covered in both vulnerability and clinical information, But Your Mother Loves You provides a step-by-step approach on how to stop toxic love and the subsequent self-abuse.